Gratitude List By Bob Wilson BS, DTR In this time of national emergency...it is a time to remember and celebrate all that we have been given. We ARE truly blessed, although sometimes we may forget and get overwhelmed.
This list was taken from my diary. I wrote it when I was feeling very emotionally discouraged. It helped me to put things into perspective. My life is truly blessed in many areas. Marvel! Pay attention to the little things in your life. Celebrate your life!
All of life is a vast ocean of interdependence without an edge!
Ask Yourself, "What's NOT wrong?!"
Use this practice to stay in touch with what is healthy and joyful inside of and all around of us. It is easy to get caught in depression and despair about life's circumstances if we focus on "what's wrong" with us and our lives. If we do that, we can feel like we are in a prison of our own sorrow. The key to open the door to that inner prison is to focus on what's good in our lives and the world. Take time to notice the infinite kindness that surrounds us all. Life IS filled with many wonders and delightful, magnificent experiences. Yay, whoopee!
To help me nurture joy
recently I started a daily gratitude practice for what was in my life right now.
What’s not wrong? I realized that life was asking me to slow down and feel the
sacredness of each activity that makes up my everyday world: Was I alive today?
What supports my life force? What parts of my body work well? Did I have a bed
to sleep in? Did I sleep well? Did I have clothing and was able to wash and dry
it? Was able to dress myself? Did I have transportation to get food and needed
supplies? Did I have food to eat, refrigeration, and electricity? Could I fix
the food? Eat it? Was I able to take part in some physical activity—hiking or
walking, swimming, dancing, gardening or other favorite activities? Do I have
close friends to support and to love and to share my life journey with? How
about a Dharma friends and community? I am able to be generous with my time and
resources with the world to bring joy and healing. Do most of my senses work
well—hearing, seeing, tasting, touch, and smelling? Wow! I am very grateful and
joyous. Contemplate the help you’ve received from friends and relatives and teachers: giving us an education, care when you were young or sick, encouragement and support, constructive criticism, etc.
All talents, abilities, and skills we have now are due to the people who taught and trained us. Consider also the help received from strangers: the buildings we use, clothes we wear, food we eat, roads we drive on were all made by people we don’t know. Without their efforts in society, we wouldn’t be able to survive.
Consider keeping a journal for a week to acknowledge everything for which you are grateful. Practice a rampage of appreciation! Try not to take anything for granted. We have been the recipients of so much kindness and have SO many blessings!
Count Your Blessings (Instead Of Sheep) (Irving Berlin)
When I'm worried and I can't sleep,
I count my blessings instead of sheep,
And I fall asleep
Counting my blessings.
When my bankroll is getting small,
I think of when I had none at all,
And I fall asleep
Counting my blessings.
I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads,
And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds.
If you're worried and you can't sleep,
Just count your blessings instead of sheep,
And you'll fall asleep
Counting your blessings.
Out of the determination of the heart the eyes see… Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings while counting your troubles. —Maltbie D. Babcock
There are wonderful things in your life right now. Practice noticing them. When you turn your thoughts to the abundance you already have, you dissolve lack and draw more good things to you. Remind yourself daily of your blessings!
Frolic around Celebrating the Simple Joys of Life! Be Happy and Contented! and What Does It Look Like When Things Are Going Well?
Please check out her awesome website:
www.dnorville.com and as the saying goes,
"you'll be glad you did." |
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |