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Harmony, Abundance, Equality, and Commitment



I feel my Being in harmony with the Universe.

I feel my Being in harmony with my Self.

I feel my Being in harmony with others.

Every experience I have is an opportunity to feel harmony.

I choose to feel the harmony of my being at all times.





Abundance is the natural state of affairs in the Universe.

I release all resistance to abundance.

I feel the release of all resistance to abundance.

I open my Self to receive abundance.

I feel myself sharing abundance generously with others.

As I give and receive love, I feel myself opening to abundance.

My Willingness to receive lovingly from others is my way of supporting others in giving to themselves.

My willingness to give lovingly to others is my way of giving to myself.

I now feel abundance flowing to the support network and back to me.

I now feel abundance flowing to the Universe and, back to me.

I now feel gratitude for the gift I have just given and received.

I now know and feel that abundance is the natural

state of affairs in the Universe and I give thanks for it.





I see and feel all others as my equal.

I recognize that there is not one better or more important than I am in the Universe.

I release all judgment of those who fail to see others as their equal.

Seeing and feeling the equality of others is the same as seeing and feeling my perfection.

My willingness to see and feel others as my equal allows me to unconditionally love and support them.

My willingness to see and feel others as my equal allows them to unconditionally love and support me.

Seeing and feeling the equality of others is the same as seeing and feeling their perfection.






I am committed to the Universe.

I feel the peacefulness of the Universe.

I feel the abundance of the Universe.

I feel the harmony of the Universe.

I feel the joyfulness of the Universe.

I feel the Oneness of the Universe.

I am committed to my Self.

I feel my commitment to my Self.

I feel my love for my Self.

I feel my love for my Self just the way I am.

I am committed to others.

I feel my commitment to others.

I feel my love for others.

I feel my love for others just the way they are.


I feel inspired to live my life based upon commitment to the Universe, to my Self, and to others.






We ask for the support of all in the Universe

who are aligned with us in consciousness,

including Infinite Intelligence, God,

to assist us in awakening to who we really are;

To assist us in releasing those beliefs that are

inconsistent with who we really are;

And to inspire us to support each other so that all may

experience the truth about ourselves.

We ask for support in consciousness

to feel our alignment with the Universe and with each

other at all times, so that we can all truly say and feel

"We Are One."





I pledge myself to Celebrate Harmony, Abundance,

and Support for Everyone,

in a spirit of equality and grounded in commitment,

by living my life according to Principle,

which means unconditionally loving and supporting

myself and others just the way we are,

trusting the Universe as I live only

in the moment from my peaceful center,

fully and freely expressing who I really am.

By Arnold Patent

“I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”

Walt Whitman, from Song of Myself

I attended Arnold Patent's Celebration of Abundance workshop in 1988 at the University of Washington.  I loved it  and Arnold's book You Can Have It All! The Universe brought these teachings into my world to assist with me deep emotional healing. It worked! You can check out this resource and others at Arnold's site:
You can order the book at Some other extremely helpful resources that provided additional and different perspectives on LIFE for me are listed in the Meditation Section and also in the Resources Section.




The Joyful Child: A Sourcebook of Activities and Ideas for Releasing Children's Natural Joy, By Peggy Jenkins, Ph.D., Aslan Publishing, ©1996

This book is not just for the children in your life. It is also for you! As you learn to guide your children's discovery of joy your awareness will expand and you will grow more in touch with your own inner joy. It is both a source and a resource book. Between its covers is a wealth of ideas and activities. In addition it is liberally sprinkled with quotations and references to lead you to a wide variety of excellent resources.


Visit Alan on his site:


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