Ideas for Self-Nurturing--Fill Up Your Well of Reserve!
Go ahead. Unleash your giggling exuberance! Think of children splashing around in a swimming pool or discovering a FUN activity! Has it been too long since YOU giggled? If you're feeling drooped, perhaps you have delight deficiency syndrome and you need to spend some time on you! You may have lost perspective and your positive attitude may have slipped south. Sometimes we humans fall into a funk and feel overwhelmed. That's the time when we need self-nurturing and perhaps we would benefit from not being so uptight...from letting go and slowing down.
Nurture your health! Celebrate well-being! Vitality/aliveness/well-being is more than a number on a scale! Ask yourself: What’s NOT wrong? Come to the banquet table of life. Learn to nourish yourself in ways that provide lasting nourishment to the soul (heart). Practice the recipes for nourishing the heart. Learn the art of cultivating joy. Ask yourself, what nourishes joy in me? What nourishes joy in others? Do I nourish joy in myself and others enough? Do I enjoy the precious jewels that I have? Daily Check-in: v Notice if there’s suffering (conditioned patterns that don’t work well). v See a cause v See a way out, and a path that shows the way out. v Practice the path Ideas for Self-Nurturing Activities Circle FUN ones! * = FREE)
Frolic around:
On-Line Resources:
For other stories: http://www.robertmunsch.com/storytime.cfm and hear him at http://www.robertmunsch.com/playstory.cfm?bookid=40 (works with a RealPlayer)
* Hugs! * Hugs! * Hugs! * Hugs are fat-free, sugar-free, and require no batteries. Hugs reduce blood pressure, body temperature, and relieve pain and depression. Hugs brighten the day and lighten the heart! Discover Free HUG coupons at: http://www.worldhealing.net/hug.html To see and print-off examples: Various Hug Coupons.pdf It requires a Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Things To Nurture Yourself With
and a Little Bit of Humor Too... Fun In Recovery! from Sober Recovery: http://www.soberrecovery.com/links/funinrecovery.html *Stillness
Speaks, (2003), by
Eckhart Tolle, Namaste Publishing and New World Library. From the Introduction:
"The only function of a spiritual teacher is to help you remove that which
separates you from the truth of who you already are and what you already know in
the depth of your being." Enjoy discovering your inner being! See also
Practicing The Power of Now, (1999), by Eckhart Tolle. |
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |