Overcoming Barriers To Keeping Records
Tools To Use As You
A food diary or journal is like a treasure map; a tool to help you learn. 1. It helps end denial, “Oh, it’s not that bad!” and fosters honesty with yourself. 2. It helps you see automatic, unconscious patterns of alcohol use, drug use, foods, and observe how people, places, and events influence you and your choices. 3. It helps you develop compassion toward yourself, and gratitude towards others who have helped you along the way. 4. It helps you see how baby steps, over time, have make a HUGE difference. Just like the evolution of the sun from winter solstice’s short days to the splendor of summertime’s long days: it's barely noticeable (a shift of 1.2 minutes a day) but adds up over time to a big difference. If you find yourself experiencing barriers to keeping records--not wanting to do it, many people find it is helpful to explore the pros and cons. This will help convince you of the value of doing it. Perhaps explore the Change? Who Me? How? section to explore the process of making lasting changes in our behaviors.
Chart is © 2004, Kaiser Permanente Northwest Health Education Services, Freedom From Diets Curriculum |
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |