How do you transform the suffering and pain in your life into well-being?
Break Out! Transform the illusory --seeming-- solid WALL of despair and self disgust into self-honoring and respect.
Step-by-step the bricks of your inner prison will come tumbling down!
Break out of the prison of inner despair and self-hatred. These overwhelmed, stressed-out physical and mental feelings are the sign of delight deficiency syndrome--you have depleted your sanity reserve bank account--you have given out too much to other people and now need to spend time on you.
Self-care is the medicine for your depleted, overwhelmed, undernourished core! An addiction is when we try to fill a hunger at our core with something that is harmful to us.
To find a printer-friendly version (PDF): SHINE THE LIGHT OF SELF-CARE.pdf How do you do it? How do you break out of the prison of inner despair and self-hatred? You do it through nurturing compassion, kindness, awareness, practicing loving self-talk, and making more skillful choices. You do it by Developing a Loving, Self-Nurturing, Inner Voice For You! You do it by valuing yourself more and making a commitment of time to find out what your needs are and you take the time to meet them. As you learn about your personal limits, you will notice the inner signals of “malfunction imminent, shut down in progress” and be able to provide yourself with choices that help you restore balance to your life.
Perhaps investigate: Overwhelmed? Too Many Empty Calories? and Getting to Know Your Stress and How to Management It. You will discover that as you shine the light of self-care on yourself your sense of inner well-being, peace, and contentment will blossom! Through practicing these ideas you will learn how to be with uncomfortable emotions and not eat to mask them. You will change the tone of the relationship you have with yourself into one of greater warmth, self-respect, and self-embracing. See the suggestions in Bob's story Emotional Area about the compassionate process about the journey of personal transformation—mine and yours. Practicing this skill on a daily basis has helped me transform my self-hate into self-respect.
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |