The Attitude of Joyous Effort
Joyous effort is taking delight in what is virtuous and worthwhile. To cultivate it, we must counteract the three kinds of laziness:
1. Procrastination and sleep. Do you put off spiritual study and practice? Do you sleep more than your body needs? Do you like to lie around and do nothing. If so, meditation on death will help you to not excess waste time. ? Although, taking enough time for rest and relaxation is essential for health. Taking time for physical activity is also vital for long-term well-being. Review the Death Meditation section.
2. Attachment to worldly affairs and pleasures. Do you keep busy doing things or worrying about things that are not very important from a spiritual viewpoint? Are you attached to worldly success, worldly pleasures, and activities that are not very meaningful in the long run? If so, reflect on the disadvantages of life on earth. This will help you to see the futility of being attached to the pleasures of life, invigorate your desire to be free from it, and enable you to set your priorities wisely.
3. Discouragement and putting yourself down. Do you tend to be self-critical and judgmental? Do you have difficulties with self-esteem? Remember your loving nature and reflect on your precious human life. This will uplift your mind so you can recognize and develop your potential.
Conclusion: Develop a sense of courage and joy so that you can engage in joyous effort. |
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |