Dedication and My Intention For This Web Site
Dedicated to all people who are struggling with their relationship with food and life. I am deeply touched by your challenges and the courage you demonstrate to make changes in your lives. I feel your impatience, overwhelm, and hopelessness. I always delight in and celebrate your gradual blossoming into your potential and your release from patterns that are harmful to you. It's so FUN to see you open up your heart to yourself as you adopt a new way of being.
My Hope For This Web Site This Web site Is About Cultivating Gradual, Sustainable Change.
My goal is to empower each person to become a loving caregiver (their own lifestyle COACH) to their body, mind, and spirit; in effect, to learn how to nurture, honor, and respect themselves as they embark of their journey to achieve a healthier weight.
In this Website each person will get to the root of their weight imbalance by identifying thoughts, feelings, and lifestyle patterns that affect on their eating and activity choices. For each person, I will support your efforts as you learn skills that allow you to:
See your life as a sacred whole and develop wisdom and discernment about your moment-to-moment choices. You will come to understand how each of your daily choices affect your body, mind, and spirit--how everything is interconnected.
Contemplations I Consider Before Work or Teaching Classes Before Class, I Set My Motivation (Intention)
After Class, I Contemplate
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |