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What Does It Look Like When Things Are Going Well? What Am I Doing?

What's the payoff from investing in myself to learn new lifestyle skills?

  • I'm doing the footwork. I'm making the daily choices--taking the time--to make the choices that I know help keep me on track. I use my arms and hands, and I reach out for help and support as needed.

  • I notice the signs of spiritual well-being: I retain a sense of humor. I notice the miracles around me--the drops of water on a leaf, the immense kindness of other people throughout the day. I keep an attitude of gratitude for all that is wonderful about my life. I notice "what's not wrong in myself and my life!" I might send out thank you notes to people who have been helpful to me. I take life on life's terms and accept what is present in my life.

  • I trust that things will be fine. I don't get all riled up. I respond better to chaos: "stuff" happens and I will find a way to make it through the stuff with an increasing sense of joy and inner balance.

  • I give service to others, I help someone else. I try to be light and upbeat and share others' pain and joys.

  • I unconditionally love myself--as just where I am (and where I am not) in life's journey. I'm actively participating in life. I take risks, I open up, and I take time for myself to allow myself to grow socially, spiritually, and mentally.

  • I have fun and enjoy using the tools and resources that I discover. I use them to help my life blossom into a luxuriant garden of verdant well-being!

  • I have an increasing sense of serenity--my previous life imbalances and obsession with food are transformed. I find that I experience freedom from compulsive behaviors. It feels clean and healthy.

  • My new lifestyle behavior choices feel easy and automatic. I carry around no resentments towards myself or other people.

  • I have a center of calm in the midst of chaos. I have learned how to pause and be quiet and to notice what is going on around me and I intuitively understand how to make better choices in a particular situation.

  • I don't compare myself to others as I accept myself for the unique and marvelous being that I am!

  • When I'm in the middle of my daily activities, I have developed a watching sense (a gentle observer) that notices my choices--what I do or don't do--and their results in my life. I notice what works well for me and what choices don't work so well, and how to make more effective choices in my life.

  • I take responsibility for my part in things. I know that I am responsible for my own happiness.

  • I am generous with my time, my money, and my support to others. I'm not hording things.

  • I don't take things quite SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO seriously! I know that what I label as "good or bad" just flows in and out in my life. This is only one moment. I can learn from anything. All things will pass and transform and I have the skills and increasing wisdom to learn how to best manage it all. I'm always growing and learning. I learn how to celebrate life-long self-discovery.

  • Day after day, I'm more confident and less confused. I feel more peace and less turmoil. WOW! I'm so thankful.

There are wonderful things in your

life right now. Practice noticing them. When

you turn your thoughts to the abundance you already

have, you dissolve lack and draw more good things

to you. Remind yourself daily of your blessings!


For fun, frolic around Gratitude List and explore We have been the recipients of so much kindness and have SO many blessings!

             Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR  All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks!