My Story: A Journey Out Of Hell And Into Freedom!
What worked for me? My compulsive eating and addictions were transformed through learning about self-care. I didn’t like the results I was getting, and I realized: If I continue to do what I’ve always done, I’ll continue to get what I’ve always gotten. To change seemed overwhelming, so I thought: How to swallow an elephant?
One bite at a time! That
is, small baby steps My lifestyle habits were dramatically off track until I was 21 years old. I’ve maintained the more respectful and loving lifestyle-care choices for over 44 years. I’ve also been drug and alcohol-free for over 31 years. Early in my life, I created the causes and made the daily choices that led to my being dramatically overweight and unhealthy. Then, step-by-step I have created the daily choices to be healthy. Gradually, I transformed my whole life—one bite at a time! My life has been a demonstration of the Laws of Cause & Effect or Sowing & Reaping.
Self-learning was required since I didn’t come with an instruction manual that answered these questions for me:
My unhealthy habits; negative, self-defeating attitudes; and self-destructive overeating were firmly entrenched--so it took lots of practice, patience, persistence, and positive attitude to persevere on this personal odyssey of adventurous wondering. I decided to celebrate a healthy lifestyle—to cultivate the attitude of joyous effort—an attitude of excitement and fun—the fun of lifelong learning.
What It Was Like: My high school graduation picture—I weighed over 100 pounds more I started out life weighing 4 pounds 12 ounces, but got much heavier until my whole life became overwhelmed. My excess body weight was the result of all the daily choices I made and many things in my environment that influenced me. The patterns those choices formed, were on these levels: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, discovering and applying balance in lifestyle, and mental. |
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |