Be Your Own Medical Advocate!
Oh my, you need to see the doctor! Something is going on in your body, your mind, or your emotions....what to do? What is your condition? What can you do to manage it? Self empowerment strategies? Alternative proven therapies? Where can you go for support and guidance? Do some research about your health condition. Visit Kaiser Permanente's extensive HEALTH ENCYCLOPEDIA: http://members.kaiserpermanente.org/kpweb/healthency/entrypage.do
TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/chinesemed and https://nccih.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/chinesemed.htm What are all of your questions and concerns? Come prepared to your MD or other health practitioner! I always bring along a letter that asks about my concerns. I give it to the medical assistant and ask them to give it to the doctor. Writing it down seems to make the process much more effective. I will also take notes about what the responses of the MD are OR record the session with a digital tape recorder. ON November 13th 2017 I had a total knee replacement--here are the X-rays!! 2017 TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT IMPLANT.pdf I've done PT for 8 months now and my knee is much better. It will still require "muscle maintenance" to keep the artificial joint pain-free and functional. I want to be able to garden, walk, hike, and have a FUN life now that I am retired!!! Here is a useful resource about knees: KNEE PAIN EXPLAINED AND HELPFUL EXERCISES: https://www.knee-pain-explained.com/
LETTER EXAMPLES as I was preparing for my recent total knee surgery: 10-12-17 VISIT Primary Care DR. —visit questions and concerns Thank you for your excellent support and guidance for many years as my MD. With my recent experience with my gradual left knee incapacitation I have become aware of the TX protocol has not been the best or timeliest for me. The long wait for TX has gradually contributed to additional problems. As you know—I am extremely proactive and am compliant to all suggestions that are made to me by my medical team. I don’t take any pills regularly—and don’t want to become an opioid addict—as SO many people in our culture are. I feel that system access (long waits) and the protocol (use of cortisone treatments) contributed to where I am now. Ultimately this could cost more $$$ and dramatically lower my quality of life and increase my emotional upset. I know that many people are not as proactive as me and I know that you want to support and keep healthy members and so we need guidelines for motivated and high compliance members. Here are my specific concerns.
Thank you for your efforts on my behalf! J Bob Wilson Additional examples: 10-2-17 Dr visit questions for orothoppedic surgeon.pdf
Additional helpful articles for balancing mental and emotional reactions:
I have extracted two articles (as PDF) from Leo's book that helped me maintain mental, physical, and physical balance and health: 2018 DEALING WITH HEALTH ISSUES.pdf AND 2018 ZEN HABITS METHOD.pdf I apologize for the markings on the articles--but you can see that I read and used them!!!!!!!
Also helpful is: 2016 LOUISE HAY BODY AFFIRMATIONS.pdf This meditation helps me give balanced care with boundaries: 2016 EQUANIMITY MEDITATION.pdf
To manage the emotional and mental aspects of disease I found the ZEN HABITS materials by Leo Babauta to be extremely helpful. His website and books are found at: https://zenhabits.net/books/
To see an insightful video see: Remember my attachment to my story can hinder healing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMKYInNDw4g For additional articles to review: |
Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks! |