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                                                            Plant the Garden of Your Life With Seeds of Vitality

Reap Your Harvest of Health and Friskiness!

Use Your Power of Choice and the Law of Sowing and Reaping to Bring You Vitality!

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Your Life is Your Garden. Nurture Your Garden of Well-Being!

For a PDF version: Nurture Your Garden of Well-Being - What You Plant is What You Get.pdf

Learn to become your own personal lifestyle trainer or a gardener for your own mind and life! Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield share in their book Seeking The Heart of Wisdom, "It is as though we are all artists, but instead of canvas and paint, or marble or music, as our medium, our very bodies, minds, and life experiences are the materials of our creative expression. A great sense of fulfillment comes from knowing this and from actively creating and fashioning our lives."

It seems that all of life is learning about how to use the power of choice responsibly. In gardening, if the conditions are right, what you plant is what you get. You also have to fertilize, water, and weed, if you want the seeds to grow. If you plant a tomato seed, you get a tomato. If you plant a dandelion seed, you get a dandelion. In life, if you plant seeds of well-being and nurture them, over time, you get well-being. If you plant seeds of dis-ease, over time, you get disease.

Whatever you cultivate, over time, is what you get. If you’re overweight, you can look at the seeds you have been planting with your choices. And just like in gardening, you can uproot the plants that you don’t want to keep. Being your own personal trainer--you learn what to "weed" out of your life and what to "cultivate." You figure out a plan that can work for you.


                                   Notice the seeds you have been planting with your choices.

                                         Do you want to make any changes?

                                        What new seeds do you want to plant?

                              Your life is your garden. Over time, what you plant is what you get.

  Be a Gardener to Your Own Mind & Life. Choose to nurture health and friskiness!


Prepare the soil, trim and weed. Use the right tools. Experience the garden of health.

Water, fertilize, provide “TLC”...practice, perseverance, patience…over time, your life changes.            

Notice your choices and your motivation (seeds) ->Thoughts -> Actions -> Results (effects).

                          Learn to guide yourself towards choices that are more effective.

                                                           Thought by thought,

                                                              word by word,

                                                           choice by choice,

                                                            action by action,                                             

              You lift yourself to a new level of living!  Ya-a-ay!



To learn HOW to become your own personal lifestyle trainer or a gardener for your own mind and life, explore the links below:

             Copyright © 2001-2022 Bob Wilson BS, DTR  All Right Reserved. Articles are for personal use only. Please request permission for other uses. Thanks!